Juan Comenius School



Write an essay about


(Personal real experiences)

Autor: Beatriz Bosch Vila

The senses are very important in our life. One at a time, if we had no sense of smell we wouldn’t know by the smell of food if it is in good or bad condition. If we didn’t have (or hadn’t) the sense of touch we wouldn’t notice realise if something is burning our skin or we are falling asleep our feet because of the cold. If we didn’t have (or hadn’t) the sense of hearing we couldn’t call someone to communicate us each other . If we had no sense of taste we couldn’t taste the flavor flavour of good or bad things. And the most important thing, the view sight, if we don’t know that sense we wouldn’t know what life is. 
But apart from these senses, I believe that there is a sixth sense that not everyone has developed in the same way. This sense is intuition. For example, often we are often sitting in the classroom and suddenly, we feel as if we are were being observed. If we take a look at the class, possibly one person is looking to where we are sitting.

Fecha: 31/01/2013 21:25.

Autor: Germán Herreiz Blasco

It is true that the five senses are important, but there are some of them are more important than the others, for example in my case, I have no sense of smell because I suffered an accident in my since childhood by an accident, and I’ve led had a normal ordinary life, what I mean is that even if you don’t have lack a sense you can live equally without problems, it is true that it is more complicated if you lack vision or hearing, since because if you are missing the view  sight you cannot know that what you have had before, but in this case we can use  WAD (?) in such a way that by means of that sense saying we can do an interpretation of what is before us.
I particularly think the sense that more we often use and at the same time the most important is the ear hearing, since because a certain type of music can remind us of feelings of loneliness, joy and moments that you spent with an important person, and as I’ve said before, from my point of view the ear hearing is the true sense that which unites us with the world and therefore the most important things.

Fecha: 02/02/2013 17:20.

Autor: Ana Belén López Antón

In our daily life, we are aware that our senses such as sight and hearing are indispensable. Although, sometimes we don’t pay too much attention.
Sight and hearing have a key role when you have to perceive elements. If you don’t have it, it can be a problem. Because you can fall or trip tip over something.
I think that everyone should go to the ophthalmologist to inspect check up his/her eyes. As well It is also important to revise your sense of hearing. Because with that you can know all that what is happening around you, almost without almost looking noticing.

Fecha: 03/02/2013 09:27.

Autor: Daniel Fons Sánchez

The senses are important in our life. Without them we couldn’t see, hear, smell, touch or taste. We don’t realize because we use it them every day and at any time, but without them our life would be a real serious chaos.
In my opinion the most important sense is sight. If you don’t think it proves to be twenty-four hours blindfolded and continue with your normal life, I’m not saying that the other senses aren’t important. The hearing is also quite important and  it would be very dangerous to go down the street, you couldn’t hear the cars coming. You must take care of all your senses but the view is the most important and it is also the most delicate, so you must pay close attention.
For me the sixth sense doesn’t exist, the senses give us information from the outside, and what many people describe as senses don’t do that.

Fecha: 03/02/2013 10:58.

Autor: Daniel Jarque Pérez

The senses are very important in our life. But above all, the most important is the view sight, because without it we could not see everything around us, we could not see the people that we care so much and with whom we live, we could not play sports like football, basketball etc.
Another reason besides the sport is that we could not watch movies films or videos, or television in general.
The other senses are also important because they can savor the we  can taste the food we like, we  can with an ear to  hear the music that we like, to smell the scents smell surrounding us and we can distinguish by touch the things we touch .

For these reasons and many more, the view sight is the most important sense in my life.

Fecha: 04/02/2013 16:49.

Autor: Mireia Cano Villafaina
The senses are an essential part for the humans, without them, we couldn’t see, hear, feel, taste or smell. ¿How would be the life without one of them?
In my opinion, it’s possible live without some sense, but the life turns more difficult.
Some years ago, I had lived a hart hearted experience.
I was in the street, in front of a zebra crossing, when I saw a man who wore a walking stick, sunglasses and a trained dog.
While the man was crossing the road, the semaphore turned red. Then, people who was in the cars, began to cry and insult him. Probably, these people, didn’t have any blind familiar, and they couldn’t have done an idea about how felt the man.
From my point of view, people who lack some sense, such as sight or hearing, are very limitated for the society, a selfish and lacking-feelings society.

Fecha: 04/02/2013 20:58.

Autor: Diego Cabrera
The senses are very important in daily life. Nowadays, in a society where technology is essential, the lack of some senses can be a big problem. I think that sight is the most necessary sense because if we didn’t have it we wouldn’t be able to use internet, play computer games, watch tv, read books, etc. These are things that we couldn’t live without.

Despite this, I also think the other senses play a very important role in our lives. Once, when I was child, I had a cold, a really bad cold. It meant that I couldn’t taste the flavours of food. Chocolate and rice had the same flavour, it was horrible! For this reason, I think that all the senses are important.

Fecha: 04/02/2013 23:48.

Autor: Andrea Martínez
All senses are equally important to know and interact with our environment and to live our daily lives. Moreover, despite having a greater consideration in sight or taste, without hearing we couldn’t walk properly because we would lose our balance. Or even if we lose our sense of smell, we couldn’t appropriately taste meals.
It’s funny how in school they continue to teach us that there are only 5 senses, when actually there are a few more. For example, we can realize that we can safely move our arms without observing them from outside by sight. Not only when we move, we have a perception of our own body position and without it we probably couldn’t even move without looking what we’re doing. Another example is that we can appreciate the state of rest, fatigue or discomfort in our bodies.
In brief, the senses send a lot more information to our brain that we could even imagine and we aren’t aware that without any of them our lives would be much more complicated.

Fecha: 05/02/2013 20:48.

Autor: alba moreno gimenez
The senses are very important in daily life because they give us information about what is around us. There are five senses and all of them are neccesary for our life.
There are a lot of people who don’t have one sense,such as,there are people who don’t have sight or hearing ... and these people have to live with this problem.
There are people who are born with this problem beacuse the problem can be a genetic problem or other effects of the life( accidents, diseases , the seconds effects of smoke....)
My grandad have a problem of senses, he can’t hear any sound.
Some years ago, in the "mascleta" he exploded on his eardrum and how he is deaf.
It is a problem which you have to learn to cope with.

Fecha: 06/02/2013 19:47.

Autor: Marcos González Moreno
The senses, which permet us knowing what’s happening around us, are an essential part of our life, and, as we know ( from TV or simply from people we know) living without one of them is really hard, but not impossible.
Probably, everyone has meet at least once a blind or deaf person, who has a relatively regular life, with its difficulties, but regular, anyways.
Perosnally, I can’t imagine my life without seeing or hearing anything, or even without one for the other senses.
That’s why I think that people with this kind of disabilities are pretty admirable.

Fecha: 06/02/2013 20:00.

Autor: Natalia Hernández Sanz
Every day, we use the senses for everything that we do. For example, we use the senses when we walk to the street, if a car comes to us too fast, to see the traffic lights. In this example, we use the sense of view. In another moments, for example when we are cooking, maybe we use the sense of touch. When the food is too hot or too cold we touch the food and we ascertain that. Besides, when we speak to another person, we are using the sense auditory.

With this, the senses are too important in this society because if they don’t exist, probably we don’t survive in this world with the news technologies about the TV or the computers. Also, the sense auditory is essential in this world, because the music is important to have fun moments and entertain us. But I think that the most important sense is the view because whit this we can see films, persons, TV, to reading, to driving...

Fecha: 07/02/2013 19:06.

Autor: Efraín Jiménez Molina
A normal person, without any disability, has five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. The most valued are the sight and the hearing, and the others are not considered as important as these. But, are there any new or different senses? The diccionary says that a sense is “Any of the faculties by which stimuli from outside or inside the body are received and felt”. If we take this as a starting point, we could think that there are other senses. Maybe some people have a “sixth sense”, a supernatural power, and they can see death people, like in the famous movie. And it’s no need to go that far, some people have the power of knowing the people’s feeling, and they have just to watch them, or they can feel the other’s feelings: that’s called empathy.
Maybe in the future, human beings suffer a evolution that make us able to see and understand the world in a fourth dimension, but hey, they are just simple theories.

Fecha: 08/02/2013 16:28.

Autor: Jonathan Martínez Lillo
For people, the senses are very important for daily living.
Thanks to the senses, we can better understand the world around us and understand it better.
For example, the view allows us to see anything, people, colors ... etc.
Smell helps us distinguish the smells of food, people, flowers and any cosa.Tambien can distinguish between good smells and unpleasant odors, such as garbage.
Touch allows us to touch any object and also know more about him, without touching, we could not perceive textures.
The ear helps us to hear any sound, including music, television and voice of the people.
Taste helps us to savor the taste of food and so we can enjoy it.
In short, without the help of the senses, we could not enjoy life.

Fecha: 08/02/2013 18:52.

Autor: Daniel Tomás Valero
The senses are very important, because without it , we could not understand the world.
The senses are necessary for the day to day, if we had not senses, we couldn´t see the film or smell the food.
For my, the most important sense is hearing, because with this we can listen to music and anything worth.
The other hand smell is also very important, because many studies show that we can remember a smell all live. We associate smell whit good or bad regards, and relate this smell whit experiences of our lifes.
But the senses have also bad things, how eat a bad food or see a scary movie,in this moment many people desire haven´t senses.
Finally , I thing that teh senses are necesary for know the world, for living a lot of experiencies that fill your life whit good times.

Fecha: 11/02/2013 23:42.

Autor: Alejandro Sepúlveda Frontera
In our daily life we use the senses constantly. Without them doing any basic action is very difficult. For example we could not drive or watch TV without hearing. We could not escuhcar music without the sense of hearing. Our life is very difficult without them, they are really necessary.

Could we consider intuition as a sixth sense Scientists say that if we listen to our intuition when making decisions were right 90% of the time because our brain analyzes data collected in previous decisions to decide which is the better choice. So what could be considered as a sixth sense.

I do not think there is any sense as some people claim extrasensory like seeing ghosts or spirits for me all these are fallacies.

Fecha: 12/02/2013 13:37.

Autor: Jorge Griñán
I think that senses are very important for us. But, we believe that we couldn’t live without them, but there a lot of people that can’t see or hear and, with difficulties,they achieve live like us. It must be recognized that the senses make easier our life, for instance, without sight, we couldn’t drive a car, and we would have to walk to everywhere. And without taste, we couldn’t enjoy the wonderful flavors of food. Nowadays, the technology is very advanced, and exist devices for simplify the life of blinds and deafs.
To sum up, I’m not saying that we can live without senses, but I think that is possible have a ordinary life if you can’t see or smell, and I believe that in the future will be easier.

Fecha: 12/02/2013 16:05.

20 comentarios

Mar Asensi BAñón, -

All senses are very important for our everyday, because we used it constantly.
Sometimes we can come to think our most important sense is sight, because you can apreciate all among you with it, but really what will we do without touch or hearing? We must think most of the senses are relationated between them, as we know if you don't have the sense of smell you will not be able to taste, so it means we need both, because they keep a tight conection.
So cleary we need all senses for having a full experience of life, although if you don't have one you will developed another one more, so the lack of one will get subordinate to other sense.

Carla Moreno Robles -

The senses bring great qualities for human beings. Without the existence of the senses, our lives could not be performed normally. For example, if we could not feel the surface of objects when we touch, we would not know whether the object is hot, cold, pricking, is soft ..
Another important sense is the hearing, otherwise you couldn't hear not appreciate the beautiful sounds that gives us life.
The third sense is that of sight, really important. If we could see around us, we would be very difficult to move freely around the world.
The fourth is the sense of smell. If we lacked this might not appreciate the essence of food, a coffee or a perfume. We could not tell if a food is healthy or smelly sneakers, nor could we appreciate the taste of food. When we are cold, the food is tasteless.
And last but not least is the taste. Without this sense, we simply could not know that food tastes.
In short, all those who suffer from some type of disease which prevents him from having the five senses one hundred percent operational, have very bad luck and people have all the senses should be very grateful for the health we have, but it is clear that the senses are very important when making everyday life.

Damián Quiles Navarro -

It is usual to begin all teaching concerning the mind by a general discourse upon "the senses." This is, indeed, the only logical approach to the main subject, for the impressions received by us through the senses—the '' sensations"—have well been called "the raw materials of mental activities." It is well that the Master Mind become acquainted with these "raw materials" which it expects to use.

Sara Marín Juan -

I think that the senses are very important in life. We don't think but thanks to them we can do most things we do. For example, thanks to the view we see all around us, thanks to the taste enjoyed everything we eat and we can differentiate what we like and do not, by touch can discover many things without seeing them .... There are people who can not enjoy these things, and we are not aware of that.

I think there is a sixth sense for me, is intuition. We usually talk that women have intuition about what will happen, but I believe that anyone can have.

Jorge Griñán -

I think that senses are very important for us. But, we believe that we couldn't live without them, but there a lot of people that can't see or hear and, with difficulties,they achieve live like us. It must be recognized that the senses make easier our life, for instance, without sight, we couldn't drive a car, and we would have to walk to everywhere. And without taste, we couldn't enjoy the wonderful flavors of food. Nowadays, the technology is very advanced, and exist devices for simplify the life of blinds and deafs.
To sum up, I'm not saying that we can live without senses, but I think that is possible have a ordinary life if you can't see or smell, and I believe that in the future will be easier.

Alejandro Sepúlveda Frontera -

In our daily life we use the senses constantly. Without them doing any basic action is very difficult. For example we could not drive or watch TV without hearing. We could not escuhcar music without the sense of hearing. Our life is very difficult without them, they are really necessary.

Could we consider intuition as a sixth sense Scientists say that if we listen to our intuition when making decisions were right 90% of the time because our brain analyzes data collected in previous decisions to decide which is the better choice. So what could be considered as a sixth sense.

I do not think there is any sense as some people claim extrasensory like seeing ghosts or spirits for me all these are fallacies.

Daniel Tomás Valero -

The senses are very important, because without it , we could not understand the world.
The senses are necessary for the day to day, if we had not senses, we couldn´t see the film or smell the food.
For my, the most important sense is hearing, because with this we can listen to music and anything worth.
The other hand smell is also very important, because many studies show that we can remember a smell all live. We associate smell whit good or bad regards, and relate this smell whit experiences of our lifes.
But the senses have also bad things, how eat a bad food or see a scary movie,in this moment many people desire haven´t senses.
Finally , I thing that teh senses are necesary for know the world, for living a lot of experiencies that fill your life whit good times.

Jonathan Martínez Lillo -

For people, the senses are very important for daily living.
Thanks to the senses, we can better understand the world around us and understand it better.
For example, the view allows us to see anything, people, colors ... etc.
Smell helps us distinguish the smells of food, people, flowers and any cosa.Tambien can distinguish between good smells and unpleasant odors, such as garbage.
Touch allows us to touch any object and also know more about him, without touching, we could not perceive textures.
The ear helps us to hear any sound, including music, television and voice of the people.
Taste helps us to savor the taste of food and so we can enjoy it.
In short, without the help of the senses, we could not enjoy life.

Efraín Jiménez Molina -

A normal person, without any disability, has five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. The most valued are the sight and the hearing, and the others are not considered as important as these. But, are there any new or different senses? The diccionary says that a sense is “Any of the faculties by which stimuli from outside or inside the body are received and felt”. If we take this as a starting point, we could think that there are other senses. Maybe some people have a “sixth sense”, a supernatural power, and they can see death people, like in the famous movie. And it’s no need to go that far, some people have the power of knowing the people’s feeling, and they have just to watch them, or they can feel the other’s feelings: that’s called empathy.
Maybe in the future, human beings suffer a evolution that make us able to see and understand the world in a fourth dimension, but hey, they are just simple theories.

Natalia Hernández Sanz -

Every day, we use the senses for everything that we do. For example, we use the senses when we walk to the street, if a car comes to us too fast, to see the traffic lights. In this example, we use the sense of view. In another moments, for example when we are cooking, maybe we use the sense of touch. When the food is too hot or too cold we touch the food and we ascertain that. Besides, when we speak to another person, we are using the sense auditory.

With this, the senses are too important in this society because if they don't exist, probably we don't survive in this world with the news technologies about the TV or the computers. Also, the sense auditory is essential in this world, because the music is important to have fun moments and entertain us. But I think that the most important sense is the view because whit this we can see films, persons, TV, to reading, to driving...

Marcos González Moreno -

The senses, which permet us knowing what's happening around us, are an essential part of our life, and, as we know ( from TV or simply from people we know) living without one of them is really hard, but not impossible.
Probably, everyone has meet at least once a blind or deaf person, who has a relatively regular life, with its difficulties, but regular, anyways.
Perosnally, I can't imagine my life without seeing or hearing anything, or even without one for the other senses.
That's why I think that people with this kind of disabilities are pretty admirable.

alba moreno gimenez -

The senses are very important in daily life because they give us information about what is around us. There are five senses and all of them are neccesary for our life.
There are a lot of people who don't have one sense,such as,there are people who don't have sight or hearing ... and these people have to live with this problem.
There are people who are born with this problem beacuse the problem can be a genetic problem or other effects of the life( accidents, diseases , the seconds effects of smoke....)
My grandad have a problem of senses, he can't hear any sound.
Some years ago, in the "mascleta" he exploded on his eardrum and how he is deaf.
It is a problem which you have to learn to cope with.

Andrea Martínez -

All senses are equally important to know and interact with our environment and to live our daily lives. Moreover, despite having a greater consideration in sight or taste, without hearing we couldn't walk properly because we would lose our balance. Or even if we lose our sense of smell, we couldn't appropriately taste meals.
It's funny how in school they continue to teach us that there are only 5 senses, when actually there are a few more. For example, we can realize that we can safely move our arms without observing them from outside by sight. Not only when we move, we have a perception of our own body position and without it we probably couldn't even move without looking what we're doing. Another example is that we can appreciate the state of rest, fatigue or discomfort in our bodies.
In brief, the senses send a lot more information to our brain that we could even imagine and we aren't aware that without any of them our lives would be much more complicated.

Diego Cabrera -

The senses are very important in daily life.  Nowadays, in a society where technology is essential, the lack of some senses can be a big problem. I think that sight is the most necessary sense because if we didn't have it we wouldn't be able to use internet, play computer games, watch tv, read books, etc.  These are things that we couldn't live without.

Despite this, I also think the other senses play a very important role in our lives. Once, when I was child, I had a cold, a really bad cold.  It meant that I couldn't taste the flavours of food. Chocolate and rice had the same flavour, it was horrible! For this reason, I think that all the senses are important.

Mireia Cano Villafaina -

The senses are an essential part for the humans, without them, we couldn't see, hear, feel, taste or smell. ¿How would be the life without one of them?
In my opinion, it's possible live without some sense, but the life turns more difficult.
Some years ago, I had lived a hart hearted experience.
I was in the street, in front of a zebra crossing, when I saw a man who wore a walking stick, sunglasses and a trained dog.
While the man was crossing the road, the semaphore turned red. Then, people who was in the cars, began to cry and insult him. Probably, these people, didn't have any blind familiar, and they couldn't have done an idea about how felt the man.
From my point of view, people who lack some sense, such as sight or hearing, are very limitated for the society, a selfish and lacking-feelings society.

Daniel Jarque Pérez -

The senses are very important in our life. But above all, the most important is the view, because without it we could not see everything around us, we could not see the people that we care so much and with whom we live, we could not play sports like football, basketball etc. ..
Another reason besides the sport, is that we could not watch movies or videos, or television in general.
The other senses are also important because they can savor the taste foods we like, with an ear to hear the music that we like, to smell the scents smell surrounding us and we can distinguish by touch the things we touch .

For these reasons and many more, the view is the most important sense in my life.

Daniel Fons Sánchez -

The senses are important in our life. Without them we couldn't see, hear, smell, touch or taste. We don't realize because we use it every day and at any time, but without them our life serious chaos.
In my opinion the most important sense is sight. If you don't think it proves to be twenty-four hours blindfolded and continue with your normal life, I'm not saying that the other senses aren't important. The hearing is also quite important would be very dangerous to go down the street, you couldn't hear the cars. You must take care of all your senses but the view is the most important is also the most delicate so you must pay close attention.
For me the sixth sense doesn't exist, the senses give us information from the outside, and what many people describe as senses don't do that.

Ana Belén López Antón -

In our daily life, we are aware that our senses such as sight and hearing are indispensable. Although, sometimes we don’t pay too much attention.
Sight and hearing have a key role when you have to perceive elements. If you don’t have it, it can be a problem. Because you can fall or trip over something.
I think that everyone should go to the ophthalmologist to inspect his eyes. As well is important revise your sense of hearing. Because with that you can know all that is happening around you, without almost looking.

Germán Herreiz Blasco -

It is true that the senses are important, but there are some more important than others, for example in my case, I have no sense of smell since childhood by an accident, and I've led a normal life, what I mean is that even if you don't have a sense you can live equally, it is true that it is more complicated if you lack vision or hearing, since if you are missing the view you can not know that you have before, but in this case we can use WAD in such a way that by means of sense saying we can do an interpretation of what is before us.
I particularly think the sense that more use and at the same time the most important is the ear, since a certain type of music can remind us of feelings of loneliness, joy and moments that you spent with an important person, and as I've said before, from my point of view the ear is the true sense that unites us with the world and therefore the most important.

Beatriz Bosch Vila -

The senses are very important in our life. One at a time, if we had no sense of smell we wouldn’t know by the smell of food if it is in good or bad condition. If we didn’t have the sense of touch we wouldn’t notice if something is burning our skin or we are falling asleep our feet because of the cold. If we didn’t have the sense of hearing we couldn’t call someone to communicate us. If we had no sense of taste we couldn’t taste the flavor of good or bad things. And the most important, the view, if we don’t know that sense we wouldn’t know what life is.
But apart from these senses, I believe that there is a sixth sense that not everyone has developed in the same way. This sense is intuition. For example, often we are sitting in class and suddenly we feel as we are being observed. If we take a look at the class, possibly one person is looking to where we are sitting.