
Juan Comenius School


Read and write something about the quotation:

An Englishman is a person who does things because they have been done before. An American is a person who does things because they haven’t been done before.

(Mark Twain) About 50 words


* Autor: Jaime Sierra Gómez 4º A

I think that the an Englishman is a person who does scheduled things because he does it before arrives his time it is in due time and an American is a person who does the things when he can do it.
All this mean that the an Englishman does his things before time and American does it when he has free time to do it.

Fecha: 29/11/2012 20:23.

*Autor: Aitana García Gómez 4º A

I think that what this text is trying to tell us means it’s is that the Americans are the ones who make new inventions and then the Englishmans Englishmen are the ones who copy follow them. So, I ’m not don’t agree on with that because it’s true that the Aamericans make successful inventions, but maybe Englishmans Englishmen can make them too.

Fecha: 04/12/2012 18:44.

* Autor: Laura Carrasco 4º A
I think the an Englishman is a person who from small has been taught to be educated, since he was a child, and he does the right thing instead and the Americans people haven’t been taught to do things before. It is too vague.

Fecha: 05/12/2012 10:57.

NB This text is too short.

* Autor: Andrés Varea 4º B

I think that this text means that an American has takes the initiative for makes all things to make everything, but an Englishmen Englishman only try tries to made make the things which it was do it have been done before.
I think that In my opinion, this text is wrong, because a lot of many things are can be done made first for the englishmen English and not for the Americans

Fecha: 10/12/2012 19:41.

NB I think, my point of view is..., in my opinion, for me, etc.

* Autor: Jose Perez Llora 4º A

I think, these this text is trying to tell us that an Englishman is a person who copy copies everything of from other countries, and an American person does things before other countries, hence, an American person is more advanced than the Englishman and other countries.

Fecha: 11/12/2012 19:12.

* Autor: Andrea Martínez 4º C

In my opinion, Mark Twain (the writer) is talking about cultures and he is comparing American and English people. I think that whit with this text he want to refers to things that have happened in the history of that those places. So, what he want to say is that an Englishman always looks back in the history and does something that has been done before, and an American always wants to try new things and improve the others instead of being as traditional as an Englishman.

Fecha: 12/12/2012 22:10.


Write a text about:

I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn. (Albert Einstein) - About 50 words



* Autor: Daniel Fons Sánchez

In my opinion, it is the correct form way of teaching the students. I think this so because the students should choose their own way to learn. But this freedom can improve the quality and the quantity of this these studies, or do the opposite. On the other hand, if he (who?) marks well the road, it is a great way to teach.
Fecha: 22/11/2012 16:01.

NB Who is that who? The teacher? The students?

* Autor: Mar Asensi Bañón

From my point of view, Albert Einstein was right when he said that teachers should just give the tools for students how to learn. Although that it’s a good method it is not always the right one, becaause some students do not know how to interpretate some things. so that is a problem so What Einstein said it’s ok, but that is a problem, just if you know how to do it and all your the students are really good in at the staff subject in question

NB The last sentences are too ambiguous

Fecha: 22/11/2012 20:17.

*Autor: Jorge Griñán

I disagree with Albert Einstein, I believe think the a teacher’s work is teaching his/her pupils. It suposed that the A teacher is supposed to be a cualificated qualified person to spread hand down his/her knowledge. I know that Einstein is an extraordinary scientific scientist, but in this case, I think he is not right, but it doesn’t mean he isn’t an excellent teacher.

Fecha: 23/11/2012 08:40.

* Autor: Germán Herreiz Blasco

I believe think that Albert Einstein is wrong in this aspect respect,since if you do not give a student a basic knowledge about something it gives equal conditions in which to learn because in at the end you’ll end up doing it wrong, for this reason first you have to teach and then to guide the student.
Fecha: 25/11/2012 11:40.

* Autor: Raquel Mellado Culebras

I think all the teachers should teach their students how is the good the best way to study, understand and learn for the students. It is so because sometimes>> this is sometimes the reason for the bad marks (alternative: the reason why there are bad marks). If somebody wants to learn something, he/she needs the situation and conditions to learn what he/she wants.
Actually In fact, at the schools the situation of much (singular) so many students (plural) in the classroom isn’t the better way for to learn, so for this reason it can become more difficult to learn by the in the convenient good way
We can see the results at of the exams
Fecha: 27/11/2012 17:17.

*Autor: Diego Cabrera

I ’ m disagree with this affirmation, in my opinion, teachers must should pass on hand down their knowledge to students, because if they don’t provide it do so, students won’t be able to do well their task or homework for because they have not got necessary tools.
The students who have got this kind of teachers, they will be more educated better prepared

*Autor: Jonathan Martinez Lillo

I disagree with this statement. In my opinion, I do not think it is right that a teacher does not teach his students, the duty of a teacher is to teach students and prepare them for the future. If the teacher does not teach, students will not be well prepared and will not fare well in their lives.

Fecha: 05/12/2012 13:03.

*Autor: Marcos González Moreno

In my opinion, this sentence means that a teacher does not have to teach, but he has to make his pupils to be able to learn.
I think it is true, because, in my opinion, as for me, knowing how to learn is more important than the fact of learning.

Fecha: 05/12/2012 13:06.

NB Don’t repeat the same expressions e.g. in my opinion


Write a text about:

If women are expected to do the same work as men, we must teach them the same things. (Plato) - About 50 words


*Autor: Mirela Morata

I completely agree that women can do the same work as men, therefore, it both of them should be taught the same things. For many years, women have been assigned the role of a housewife, and while the man has men have been working to feed his their family, but today nowadays the women have proved that they can be mechanicals, electricians, bricklayers, judges, lawyers, police officers...

Fecha: 05/12/2012 19:07.

* Autor: Victoria García

I totally agree with this topic statement, because both of them are equal. It is true that men can have more strength than women because of their physical physique. Along of After a long time women have finally will achieved work employs in the same conditions as men, although they are starting to get the same positions jobs like such as plumber, judge, referee and many more others

Fecha: 11/12/2012 20:25.